Wednesday, 7/6/11

other half of my steak.  yogurt

half-caf drip coffee w/ sf toranis

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Carbs, revisited

I've been noticing problems lately.  Little things, not immediately obvious to others, but I notice cause I'm looking for it.

1) I'm constantly thirsty.  I probably need to drink way more water.  Blech.
2) I'm constantly in the bathroom.  I swear, I pee more than I drink.
3) I feel ill.  Often.  It's nothing major, just minor nausea.  Worse in morning.  Really really bad if I eat carbs at dinner.

All these lead me to believe I need to watch my carbs better.  Or drink more water.  Probably both.

I also had a chat with a friend Saturday night.  He's diabetic, and knows I struggle.  He got me to admit that the problem is really that I haven't been as careful as I should be.  I KNOW it takes diet watching to keep the sugars under control.  I just, damnit, WANT the ice cream and the baked potato, and it makes me angry that I can't have it.

Yes, I can have a little bit.  No, I don't seem to be able to stop.

So, with that talk under my belt, and being forced to admit, out loud, that I'm screwing up, I've been trying to be better.

Yesterday, breakfast was 2 eggs, scrambled. Yay for jason getting up and making me food.

Lunch, I had mixed greens with some ranch and some stroganoff.  Extra meaty, low noodly stroganoff.  Jason and I make it specifically to be carb-friendly.

Dinner, I had a single jalapeno cheddar sausage (230cal, 3carb), and a salad.  A plateful of salad.  Mixed greens, a bit of pepperjack, some ranch, a bunch of tomato and onion.  And a single sweet pickle.  NOM.

Was it the best calorie-day?  No.  Was it the best carb-day?  No.  The stroganoff, while sticking to low-carb ideals was probably still too high.  I drank my usual morning coffee (half-caf drip, sf toranis), then water for the rest of the day.

Today tho?  I felt way better this morning.  Win.

Today, I had a yogurt for breakfast.  Yoplait lights are yummy.  I had boston cream pie.  It was good. Then for lunch I had mixed greens with some ranch. Also yummy.  I want it known that I'm having a good day so far, food wise.  And this is with waking up with a migraine (missed 2 hours of work killing it) and then having my period start WHILE i was at work.  Today is TRYING to kick my ass.  I'm not letting it.

I've had my morning coffee, and have a single diet soda for this afternoon.  Then water for tonight.

It's a start.

Edit: Continued  with the water throughout the evening.  Dinner was half a steak and a salad. 

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Thursday, 4/7

JITB 4pc grilled chicken: 250/5

veggie scramble: 240/4

Food 3:
1 piece of breaded chicken parm, no sauce.  no clue.
and I have chili for dinner.  no clue what's in it or cal count.  yummy tho

Today is going to be a no-clue day.  One shouldn't kill me, right?

diet soda
SF coconut Americano.  sadly, the coffee bar put whip on it.  *sigh*  70/2

Daily Total:???

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Wednesday, 4/6

Meal 1: 2 eggs, 2 bacon, 2oz gravy: 330/4

Meal 2: Veggies: 80/16

Meal 3: Burrito Bits: 300/10
Work had burritos.  I adjusted this to have:
chicken, beef, onion, cheese, sour cream, salsa
I'm estimating on the total cal/carb.  Nothing was measured, but the food was about right for a standard 300cal meal.  Nothing was high carb, so I picked an arbitrary moderate meal for me #.  I've been OK enough this week that I can estimate this and feel ok.

Meal 4: Jimmy John's #11, Unwiched: 428/6

Daily Total: 1138/36

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Tuesday, 4/5

Breakfast: apple with cream cheese: 185/27

Lunch: veggies: 80/16

Afternoon Snack:
piece o chicken: 165/0

Snack 2:
8 grapes: 28/8

carls jr low carb 6 dollar burger: 560/9

Daily Total: 1018/60

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Monday, 4/4

Breakfast: apple & cream cheese: 185/27
1 medium gala apple:95/25
2 tbsp cream cheese:90/2
about 1/2 tsp SF toranis caramel syrup:0/0
I mixed the caramel with the cream cheese, sliced up my apple, and dunked.  YUM

Lunch: veggies (80/16)
I have a bag of frozen stir fry veggies.  I steamed up 10 cups (which came out to 5 cups after cooking) and split it into 5 portions.  I ate 1 for lunch, and packaged the other for lunches this week. :)

Afternoon Surprise (570/92)
Jason stopped at mcdonalds on the way home to get something to eat.  he brought me home a small strawberry (mccafe) shake.  it was tasty, but WOW.

Dinner: (319/30)
fish sticks (200/20)
1/2 can green beans (44/9)
1 tbsp tartar sauce (75/1)

Daily Total: 1154/165

OK, so most of this came from the milkshake.  And the carbs were super high.  I would probably have had more fish sticks, or a late-night snack without it.  But I had it, so I adjusted for it, and it came out ok.

Also: I seem to be handling the higher dose of carbs ok.

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Sunday, 4/3

Breakfast:1 slice papa johns pizza.  small salad with turkey and ranch.
I started out good again.

Lunch: went to BJs.  had 1/2 the stuffed mushroom appetizer (mushrooms stuffed with parm & spinach).  and a bbq chopped chicken salad.  bbq sauce & dressing on the side.  I finished up the dressing but had next to no bbq sauce.  not bad.

Dinner: 2 slices papa john's pizza.  with ranch.
not great, but better than it could have been.

Daily Total: still high.

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Saturday, 4/2

Weigh-in: 231!!!!  CHEER!!!
A                                                                                                                               B

Breakfast: Arby's Turkey & Ham Salad.
I started out quite well.

8 oz of frozen yogurt
then I craved sweet.

Sweet Overload: I had some turkey and cheese at home to offset.

Dinner: Pizza.  4 slices of papa john's thin crust all meat.
and then dinner i went overboard.

Daily Total: way too much.

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Friday, 4/1

Breakfast: Bacon & Veggie omelette (445/5)

Lunch: Salad (274/31)
1 C lettuce (5/2)
1/2 C green beans (22/5)
1 tbsp peas (10/2)
1 tbsp corn (10/2)
1 tbsp carrot (3/1)
1 tbsp lima beans (14/3)
1/4 C onion (15/4)
1/2 C bell pepper (20/4)
1/4 C cottage cheese (55/2)
2 tbsp cheddar (58/1)
3 tbsp salsa (12/3)
1 tbsp sunflower seeds (50/2)

Busters BBQ.  I had pulled pork, and beef brisket, and green beans and green salad.  I gave my bread to Jason (I had a bite), put ranch, onion, and cucumber on my salad, and used lots of bbq sauce.

Late night snack:
I was hungry on the way home (We went to play board games) so I ate a 10 piece mcnuggets

Daily Total: lots

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Thursday, 3/31

Snack 1: 1/4 pkg Honey Dijon Cheese Bites. (75/.5)

Food : turkey/ham scramble (200/0)
1/4 C diced turkey breast: 40/0
1/4 C diced ham: 60/0
1 egg: 100/0

Lunch: Whopper Junior, no bun, no pickles: (200/4)

Snack: 1 C chicken curry rice soup. (100/15)
basing this as an estimate off and assuming some extra since i suspect the curry soup had some cream in it

Dinner: ate at friend's house (331/12)
chicken breast (220/0)
1/4 C cooked carrots (14/3)
1/2 C cooked green beans (22/5)
1 C iceberg lettuce (5/2) w/ 1tbsp ranch (70/2)

a cookie. it was low sugar (mix of splenda and brown sugar, with 1/2 low sugar chips and 1/2 reg choc chips). it was also awesome, and homemade by my friend and i have no idea what the nutritional content was.  NOM.

Daily Total: 906/32, plus cookie. I did good!

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Wednesday, 3/30

Breakfast: 1 slice Papa John's Large Thin Crust cheesy chicken cordon bleu (290/21)

Morning Snack: 1 slice bacon, veggies. (70/4)

Lunch: Salad (301/23)
1 C lettuce 5/2
1 tbsp carrot 3/1
1 tbsp peas 10/2
1 tbsp corn 10/2
1/4 C cottage cheese 55/2
2 tbsp cheddar 58/0
1 tbsp chipotle ranch dressing 70/2
1 tbsp sunflower seeds 50/2
1/2 tbsp raisins 15/4
1/4 C bell pepper 10/2
1/4 C onion 15/4

Afternoon Snack
2 C stir-fry veggies (80/16)

Dinner: KFC Grilled Chicken Breast (210/0)

Drinkage: coffee w/ splenda, water, diet coke, diet sweet leaf sweet tea (0/0)

Daily Total: 951/72

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Tuesday, 3/29

Wasn't home to weigh-in Saturday.  Did weigh-in mid-day yesterday and came out @ 236.6, so I know I'm up some.

This week's goal: drop down some.  I'd like to be below 234.

I'm handling carbs better, so the focus is going to switch and be more on calories, though i'm still going to watch the carbs.

Breakfast: 1 slice Papa John's Large Thin Crust cheesy chicken cordon bleu (290/21)

Lunch: veggie scramble: (220/4)

Dinner:  1 slice Papa John's Large Thin Crust cheesy chicken cordon bleu (290/21)

Drinkage: water, diet coke, SF caramel americano, SF blueberry & coconut toranis, in water (fake juice!)

Daily Total: 800/46

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McD apple zippers. No caramel. 35/8

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Friday, 3/18

mcd egg mcmuffin, no bread, no cheese. 120/2

Feels like I'm spiraling out of control.  I'm just so freaking hungry, constantly!  This week has been rough, and I know my weight's going up, I'm just trying to minimize it.

The coming week doesn't look much better.  BBQ tonight (MMMM!), and gaming tommorrow (i always over munch) and then Gamestorm end of next week.  Here's to making good choices.  I hope I can.

Part of me feels like just giving up.  Part of me thinks I already have.  Most of me wants to cry about it.  But I'm going to do what I can to keep going.

I'm telling myself 'just one day'.  If I can do this for just one day, it'll help.  Right?

Lunch: salad: 130/19
1 C lettuce 5/2
1/2 C spinach 4/1
1/2 C mushrooms 7/1
1/2 C bell pepper 20/4
1 tbsp onion 4/1
1 tbsp peas 10/2
1 tbsp corn 10/2
1 tbsp carrot 3/1
1/4 C cottage cheese 55/2
3 tbsp salsa 12/3

Daily Total: 250/21

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Tuesday, 3/8

This isn't a half-hearted attempt to start again...I was just curious as to where I was so I did the math. :)

Breakfast (5:30ish)
1 slice Papa Murphy's deLITE pizza
 - Murphy's Combo.  a 1/10th size slice is 200/14
 - I had a 1/12th size slice so 167/12

Snack (7:45ish)
1 slice bacon @ 50/0

Lunch (9:45ish)
veggie scramble w/ cheese
- 2 eggs, veggies, cheese
- cheese is about 1/4 C cheddar so 345/5

Daily Total: 562/17

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Saturday's Weigh-in was 231.8

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weigh in


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Thursday, 2/24

2 TB soft tacos, no tortilla: 200/6
1 tsp sour cream: 8/0

Daily Total: 208/6

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Wednesday, 2/23

TB soft taco, no tortilla: 100/3
1/4 C cottage cheese: 55/ 2
del monte fruit naturals, mixed berries: 100/25
yes, the berries are high carb.  My dr has recommended that I try introducing fruit carbs, starting with berries.  We're gonna see how it goes.  I added cottage cheese and the taco innards to get some protein to offset.  :)

TB soft taco, no tortilla: 100/3

5 poppers. 360/8

Dinner 2:
3 piece carls jr chicken tenders, w/ honey mustard sauce: 520/20

Daily Total: 1235/61

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Tuesday, 2/22

1/2 of:

6 slices of ham: 180/0
cheddar: 400cal/0carb
Ate half.

Repeat breakfast :290/0

Reesers string cheese 80/0
Pecan shortbread cookie 40/4

4 taco bell soft tacos, no tortilla: 400/12

TB soft taco, no tortilla: 100/3
needed food to take meds.  This worked.

Daily Total:

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Monday, 2/21

McD egg mcmuffin, no bread, no cheese (stupid cheese sticks to stupid bread.  pout): 120/2

Lunch: Whopper Jr, no bun, no pickles: 200/4

String cheese: 60/0

 Edamame: 120/8

Jason cooked.  Super yummy!  And now I have to do math.
12 eggs 1200cal/0
1/2 onion 22/5
2 cans of mushrooms 120/16
3 jalapenos 12/3
about 2tbsp oil (both for the skillet and for mixing with pureed jalapenos) 238/0
roughly 8oz skirt steak 499/0
dish total: 2091/24
I ate 1/3rd: 697/8

Daily Total: 1197/22

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Sunday, 2/20

Woke up carb-sick.  Ugh.  Too much pizza.

Fake Tater Salad
toppings off 2 pieces of Abby's Pizza.

Fake Tater Salad

assorted meat/cheese
pork rinds
popped cheese.

No dinner.

Daily Total: ??

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Yep, Went up.  Knew it would.  Not as bad as feared though!

Other things are going well too.  For starters, I got that huge MIB project done, which seriously reduced my stress.  My laundry is caught up.  And I got in some DS time - finished my game even!!!  And I took a nice long hot bath yesterday too.  WOOT.

All in all, it's good. 

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Saturday, 2/19

Fake Tater Salad: 167cal, 11carb
Jell-o Caramel Creme Mousse 60/9

Red Robin Chicken Ensenada Platter - 1 chicken breast, no salsa, no tortilla strips

Dinner: 3 pieces Abby's Pizza & a salad off their salad bar.  No clue on cal/carb

Daily total: 731/32 plus dinner

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coming undone

I'm having issues this week, in case it wasn't obvious.

Trying to track what I eat is just making my brain hurt.  I'm trying to watch the carbs but I don't think I'm doing well.  I'm depressed about that, but I can't seem to drag myself up out of it.  I know in the past that when I stop listing what I'm eating the weight goes back up.  I just feel like I don't have time to list.  I know it only takes a few moments, but it's just not happening.

I'm overwhelmed as hell this week.  It's making me stressed, and I feel like I'm on the verge of yelling and screaming...or just breaking down and crying.

Work's driving me NUTS.  A project with horrible direction and impossible timeframes got handed to me.  I've been trying to work on it but it's jut not happening.  It finally got taken away today which should be a relief but it just makes me wonder when the other shoe will drop and I'll get fallout for not being able to handle it. So that's stressing me.

My manager's out this week, so I'm handling supe calls.  not a huge deal, I do it a lot, but it's just an added stress point that's not helping.

Seems like the last few days everyone sitting around me needs help with stupid crap they should know.  My patience is definitely stretched thin.

I'm still trying to get the house unpacked.  I've gotten to the point where I'm not sure what to do with the rest of the stuff.  I'm irritated that I don't have it all setup, and I'm irked that I don't know HOW to set it up, and I don't want to just let Jason do it cause I want to have a say in how it looks, damnit. I *had* some plans for furniture to let me display stuff but then there was a tax mess that kind of screwed that up. 

Add tax irritation to the stuff that's annoying me this week.

And then there's the Gamestorm project.  I can't figure out the bloody scheduling system.  And I'm supposed to get 6 people scheduled for 4 days.  it's about 100 seperate sessions.  It's seriously getting to me.  I know how much work it's going to be, and it needs to be DONE, and I can't figure it out, and I haven't had time to just sit down and FIGURE IT OUT.  I don't want help, and I don't want someone to do it for me.  It's my responsibility.  I take my MIB duties seriously, damnit.  Add that to irritation/stress.

Ad I keep thinking about all those little things you need to do to keep a house up.  I need to clean the toilets, and wipe down the stair rails.  The bathroom floors need cleaning.  Laundry needs to be done and put away.  I want to wipe down the window sills. And when I look out the backdoor I see the yard which needs...SOMETHING done to it, and I don't even know where to start.  None of it's major, but the house is way bigger than I'm used to, and I want to keep it up, and I'm feeling overwhelmed by the size, I think.  It seems like a huge amount to keep clean.

And we keep doing things.  Which, I like doing things, don't get me wrong....It's just piling up on top of everything else.

Monday there was grocery shopping.  Tuesday I had a dentist appointment and we went bowling with friends.  Wednesday the furniture repair person came over and we went to D&D.  I *did* get the kitchen cleaned, at least. Tonight's open.  Friday we're going to either have ppl over or go to Harveys (comedy club). Saturday Jason's sister is visiting.  Sunday we're going to a movie.

It's all stuff I like doing.  I LIKE being busy.  But right now I'm feeling like I'm pulled in too many directions.  I just want to curl up and cry.  I want to make fake potato salad.  I want to nap.  I want to get my carbs under control - I've been sick two mornings in a row now.  I want to try out my new DS games.  I want to quit dreaming that I'm running behind and out of control and get a good night's sleep. I want to finish up my library books and get them back. I want to sit and watch a single tv program.  I want a bubble bath.

None of that stuff is happening right now.  Instead, I'm just trying to focus on managing day to day and handle what bits I can.  Tonight, I'm going to tackle that scheduling system and see if I can make it make ANY sort of sense.  And then I'm going to try going to bed early, cause right now I'm sleeping worth crap.

And forget listing food.  I'll get to it when I get to it.  It just got re-prioritized at the bottom of my list.  I'll weigh in Saturday morning.  here's hoping it doesn't go up.

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Monday, 2/14

Fake Potato: 225/11
I have 1/2 lb of cauliflower, boiled and mashed (56/8)
this seemed high at first, but i looked up a potato.  equiv amount would have been 176/40.  Yikes!
add 2 tbsp I can't believe it's not butter (100/2)
2 tbsp of cheddar (58/0)
and 1 tsp immitation bacon bits (11/1)

veggie box: 105/11

warm chicken salad: 460/5
1 can chicken (210/0)
1/4 C cheese blend (110cal, 1carb)
2 tbsp ranch (140/4)
assorted spices

Jell-o Caramel Creme Mousse 60/9

Daily Total: 850/36

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Weigh in at 236.

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Friday, 2/11

Veggie Scramble: 220/4

Salad: 220/13
1 C spinach: 7/1
1/4 C mushroom: 4/1
1/2 C bell pepper: 20/4
1/4 C cottage cheese: 55/2
2 tbsp cheddar: 29/0
1/2 tbsp sunflower seeds: 25/1
1 tbsp peas: 10/2
1 tbsp ranch: 70/2

1 light string cheese: 60/0

Red Robin Fish & Chips w/ tarter sauce:539/20
subbed chips for salad which i brought home.  used half tartar sauce.

veggie box: 105/11

Daily Total: 1144/48

Note: my salad contains mine and jason's salads, no croutons.  40/8 whenever I get around to eating it.

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Thurday, 2/10

2 eggs: 200/2
1/2 C cottage cheese: 110/4
2tbsp salsa: 8/2

Johnsonville brat (I asked work cafeteria and they TOLD me!): 240/2
1/3 C bell pepper and onion 17/4
about 1/2 tbsp mayo: 45/0

3 kfc grilled drumsticks: 240cal/0carb

Daily Total: 860/14

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Wednesday, 2/9

Veggie & Bacon Scramble: 370/4

veggie box: 105/11

about 2oz of meat/cheese. est: 200/3

JITB chicken strips: 250/5

Daily Total: 925/23

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Tuesday, 2/8

Veggie & Bacon scramble: 370/4
2 eggs (200/0)
veggies (20/4)
3 strips bacon (150/0)

The work cafeteria had yummy burritos!  I modified mine by using lettuce instead of a tortilla, and skipping the rice and beans. Note, this is all estimated: 465/9
Chicken (110/0)
Carne Asada (200/0)
cheddar (50/0)
lettuce (hah)
tomato (20/2)
olives (20/0)
sour cream (45/2)
salsa (20/5)

Jimmy Johns #14, lettuce wrapped. 348/5
NOM NOM NOM.  I'm in love with this sub shop.  The fact that 'low-carb lettuce wrapping' is on the MENU?  <3

Daily Total: 1183cal, 18carbs

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Monday, 2/7

Burgerville burger, no bun: 230cal, 5 carb
veggie box. 105cal, 11carbs

I made a lil box of veggies for my lunches this week.  Since I'm not working today, I ate one for breakfast.
I bought a bag of fresh cauliflower/broccoli/carrot from safeway.  The bag had 10servings, each one at 25cal and 5carbs.  I turned it into 5 servings, so that's 50cal, 10 carbs.  Then I added 1/8th cup of jarred alfredo sauce to each one.  1/4 C of it is 110cal, 2carbs.  so 1/8th is 55, 1carb.  Added together, I get the 105, 11carbs.  And Yummy.

fake stir fry: 290cal, 16carbs

I nukerwaved 1 can of chicken (210cal, 0carbs), and 2 cups of a veggie stir fry mix.  1 C of the veggies is 40cal, 8carbs.  so that's 80, and 16.  add to my chicken and I get 290cal, 16carbs

Carls Jr low carb 6 dollar burger: 570cal, 9carbs

Daily Total: 1195cal, 41carbs

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Sunday, 2/6

between working and moving and such, i was so fried I don't even know.

There was some left over pizza (1 piece), and some chips (I remember being careful), a few bites of white chocolate, and some low-cal nutty bars.  a couple bites of donuts.  a kfc double down down.  Carrots with hummus.

Yep.  That's all I remember.  Most of Sunday's just hazy.

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Saturday, 2/5

HF: Summer Sausage & Cheese 203cal, 3 carbs
hey, these have calorie and carb counts.
1 beef stick is 450cal, 3carb.  I'm having 1/4 of it, so 113cal, 1carb.
1 cheese stick is 360cal, 8carb.  I'm having 1/4 of it, so 90cal, 2 carbs

repeat breakfast: 203cal, 3 carbs

Abby's Pizza.  It's thin crust, and had lots of meat.  They don't list nutrition info tho, so no idea.

coffee + SF coconut toranis
hot tea, splenda.

Daily Total:unknown

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Yippee Skippy!!!  Hooray!

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Friday, 2/4

Breakfast: 159cal, 3carbs
1/4 C cottage cheese (55cal, 2 carbs)
1 tbsp salsa (4cal, 1 carb)
2 bacon (100cal, 0 carb)

Lunch: 157cal, 16carbs
2 C spinach (14cal, 2 carbs)
1/2 C mushroom (8cal, 1 carb)
1/2 C bell pepper (20cal, 4carb)
1/4 C cottage cheese (55cal, 2carb)
1 tbsp peas (10cal, 2carb)
1 tbsp corn (10cal, 2carb)
1 tbsp carrot (3cal, 1carb)
1 tbsp cheddar (29cal, 0carb)
2 tbsp salsa (8cal, 2carb)

Snack: 200cal, 0carb
just a lil plate of meat and cheese.  dunno how much, but i know I'm over-estimating

home drip coffee + SF creme de menthe toranis
diet coke

Daily Total: 516cal, 19carbs

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Sugar Update!!!

So, I had a dr's appt last night.  And during said dr's appt, they did a sugar test.  It had been about 3-4 hours since I ate.  This was really the biggest concern.  Without carbs, I have little lasting energy, and there's been a slight concern that my blood sugar would drop too low.

89, baby!  Doctor was VERY pleased.  I've also dropped 8lbs in the last 2 weeks (per their scale).  and the cholesterol levels had dropped, which was another concern with the extra meat I've been eating.


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Thursday, 2/3

4 slices bacon, 1 egg: 300cal, 0carb

salad: 233cal, 10carb
2 slices bacon (100cal, 0carb)
1 C spinach (7cal, 1 carb)
1 C mushrooms (16cal, 2 carb)
1/2 C bell pepper (20cal, 4 carb)
1/4 C cottage cheese (55cal, 2 carb)
1/2 tbsp ranch (35cal, 1 carb)

1 chicken breast: 220cal, 0carb
1 small head of brocolli (apparently this is called a stalk): 51cal, 10 carb
1/4 Cup Ragu Alfredo sauce: 110cal, 2carb

Daily Total: 914cal, 22carbs

Not only did I do AWESOME, but dinner was SO tasty.  Sure as hell beats fast-food burgers!!!!  I steamed up my broccoli, and Jason cooked up the chicken (and some pasta for himself), and heated up the alfredo sauce.  I was really unsure about jarred sauce, but wanted to try it.  And I'd picked the lowest carb I could find.  Then we each built our own plate and mixed it up.  OMG it was good.  I've been craving fettucini alfredo and THIS was pretty much exactly what I was wanting.

I even tried of one of his noodles.  It was blech.  Tasted all bland and starchy.  Yick.

NOMNOMNOM broccoli!!!

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Wednesday, 2/2

Veggie Scramble (220cal, 4carbs)

Salad. (169cal, 9carbs)
2 c spinach (14cal, 2 carbs)
1/2 c mushroom (8cal, 1carb)
1 tbsp corn (10cal, 2carb)
1 tbsp cheddar (29cal, 0carb)
1/3 C cottage cheese (73cal, 3 carb)
1/2 tbsp ranch (35cal, 1 carb)

I went to Izzys (buffet)!  Now, this is not a screwup.  I want to be clear on that.  This is a deliberate choice to over eat, and say 'screw off' to the diet.  I've been feeling very depressed about not being able to just eat, and it's been stressing me, and making me grouchy.  So I chose, for one night, to toss caution to the wind and just eat what I wanted.  File it under 'not being deprived'.  I counted nothing, didn't worry about anything, and just had fun.  I had mashed potatoes AND jojos.  I dunked in ranch to my heart's content.  I had mac & cheese.  I had corn.  I ate pulled pork with sweet bbq sauce.  I had bread pudding.  I had oreo pudding.  I had ice cream with chocolate AND caramel sauce.  And some other stuff I forget.  I measured nothing.  It was AWESOME.

Daily Total: MEEP

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Tuesday, 2/1

mcd egg mcmuffin sans bread and cheese. 120cal, 2 carbs

2 mozz sticks (note: an order is 5.  did math):  228cal, 16carbs
1/2 of: Red robin pub burger. Lettuce wrapped.362cal, 8carbs
1/2 of: Sub side salad for fries.10cal, 2 carbs

kid size baskin robins carmel turtle truffle: 120cal, 24 carbs

1/2 of: Red robin pub burger. Lettuce wrapped.362cal, 8carbs

1/2 of: Sub side salad for fries.10cal, 2 carbs

1 bagel bite (cheese & pepperoni): 47cal, 7carbs

Daily Total:
1259cal, 69carbs

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Monday, 1/31

McD big breakfast sans biscuit and HB (330cal, 2 carbs)
1 more sausage patty.(170cal, 1 carb)

Kirkland 1/4 lb polish sausage.(380cal, 5carbs)

leftover applebees steak (250cal, 0carb)

I had desert!!!  I blended some diet dr pepper with ice, to make a slushie!  MMMMM! 0cal, 0carb.  WIN

water, soda, coffee. nothing impacting.

Daily Total: 1130cal, 8carbs

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Sunday, 1/30

Ihop. Simple & Fit veg omelet. Add ham, Sub tomato for oven roasted tomato.
This took some math.
Simple & fit veg omelet: 320cal, 40carbs
Note that this includes fruit.  I didn't eat any.  so subtract out 80cal, 21carbs (240cal, 19carbs left)
Add ham (30cal, 1carb) & tomato (10cal, 2carbs). brings me to 280cal, 22carbs.
then take away the oven roasted tomato (90cal, 12carbs).  Total breakfast was 190cal, 10carbs.

Bellagio's Italian Chef Salad.  I can't find data on this.  it was mostly lettuce - about 3-4 cups.  It also had mushrooms, salami, pepperoni, and mozzerella.  I don't think it was too bad.  I've emailed the company requesting nutritional data, and we'll see what happens.  in the meantime, let's estimate.
4 cups Lettuce: 20cal, 8 carbs
1/2 C mushroom: 8cal, 1 carbs
1oz salami: 114cal, 0carbs
1oz pepperoni: 138cal, 0carbs
1/2 C mozz: 168cal, 1 carb
est total: 448cal, 10carbs

Jimmy Johns lettuce wrapped country club for dinner. Super nom! 426cal, 6carbs

Drinkage: didn't track, nothing impacting though.

Daily Total. 1064cal, 26carbs

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Saturday, 1/29

Weight: 239.2  WOOT.

Note: I'll be sans internet for a bit, moving, so this will be spotty.

jitb ultimate breakfast sammich, no bun: 311cal, 3carbs

Krispy Kreme kreme filled glazed donut. Hee.340cal, 38carbs

MCD Grilled Classic Chicken Sandwich, no bun: 180cal, 5 carbs

1 C mixed veg (cauliflower, broc, carrot): 35cal, 8carbs
Chicken breast: 220cal,  0carb
Mounds dark choc. Half of one piece. 56cal 7carb

Snack: another C veggies: 35cal, 8carbs

Insomnia SF irish cream americano.
 assorted soda, water, etc.  didn't really track while net was down, but nothing really containing cal/carbs. :)

Daily Total: 1177cal, 69carbs

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Friday, 1/28

Breakfast: 4 strips bacon (200cal, 0 carb)

1/2 applebees honey bbq wings appetizer (620cal, 59carbs) - holy crap!!! I'll have to be careful with that! I had no CLUE I was getting so much.  On a side note - I didn't get dizzy or sick, so the meat offset well.  And I got so full, I couldn't really eat my meal, so my body's reacting properly

side salad 230cal, 12 carbs
i removed croutons & tomatoes and then ate about half of it.  estimating at 90cal, 3 carbs

(note, i have a steak I did not eat.  that will be 250cal, 0 carbs when i do)

arbys roastburger, no pickles, no mustard, no bun, extra meat: 310cal, 10 carbs

first off, I want it KNOWN that Had I known I'd had so very many freaking carbs at lunch I would NEVER have gotten this.  I fully expect to be ill tmw.
Baskin Robbins Red Velvet Ice Cream 2.5 oz (Kid size): 169cal, 20carbs

Daily Total: 1389cal, 92carbs
not as bad as I feared

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Thursday, 1/27

1 C cottage cheese: 220cal, 8 carbs

McD Mushroom Swiss Angus Burger, no bun: 330cal, 8 carbs

1/4 lb burger patty w lettuce 1 tomato slice and tbsp mayo. (est @ 360cal, 2carb)

Daily Total: 910cal, 18carbs

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Wednesday, 1/26

1 C cottage cheese: 220cal, 8 carbs

1 can Campbells Beefy Mushroom soup: 125cal, 15carbs

McD swiss & mushroom wrap, no tortilla: 190cal, 5 carbs

2 hamburger patties: 350, 0 carb each
2 tbsp cheddar: 58cal, 0 carbs
1 SF orange jello cup 10cal, 0 carb

Hot water w/ SF Lemon Toranis
McD coffee.  add SF choc & cherry toranis
appt office coffee.  Add SF coconut toranis

Daily Total: 1303cal, 28carbs

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Tuesday, 1/25

Veggie Scramble: 220cal, 4 carbs

MCD Grilled Classic Chicken Sandwich, no bun: 180cal, 5 carbs

Nuts: 1020cal, 36carbs
Nuts seem to be a weakness.  I need to not buy anymore for a long while.

Chicken nuggets, about 10 (420cal, 36carbs)
yep.  They were breaded

Daily Total: 
1840cal, 81carbs

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Monday, 1/24

1/3 C cottage cheese: 73cal, 3 carbs
2 strips bacon: 100cal, 0carb

Salad: 164cal, 17carbs
2 C spinach: 14cal, 2 carbs.
1/2 C mushrooms: 8cal, 1 carb.
1/2 C bell pepper: 20cal, 4 carb.
1 tbsp corn: 10cal, 2 carbs. 
1 tbsp peas: 10cal, 2 carbs.
2 tbsp cheddar: 58cal, 0 carbs
2 tbsp cottage cheese: 28cal, 2 carbs
4 tbsp salsa: 16cal, 4 carbs

2 TB soft tacos, no tortilla:100cal, 3carbs each

hamburger patty:350ca, 0carb
1 tbsp cheddar: 29cal, 0carb

diet coke, sf vanilla americano

Daily Total: 916cal, 26carb

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Math Fail?

Dennys not easy to find what I ate
western omelette w/ hashbrowns is 700cal, 32carbs
this includes 3 eggs
i had a western omelette, egg whites only, w/o hashbrowns
hashbrowns are 210cal, 26carbs
2 eggs scrambled are 260cal, 1carb
2 egg whites are 50cal, 1carb
now the math
the difference btwn the scrambled and the whites are 160cal per 2
so 80cal each
i had 3 eggs, so a difference of 240cal
add in hashbrowns, i'm subtracting 450cal, and 26carbs
so total for egg white western omelette is 250cal, 6carbs

....assuming there's no math fail

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Sunday, 1/23

Dennys western omelet w egg whites: 250cal, 6 carbs
4 red grapes:14cal, 4carbs

Subway steak and cheese salad. Steak pepperjack spinach. cuke tomato onion bell pepper peppercini. 1/2 tbsp chipotle sauce.: 190cal, 10carb - roughly.  it's hard to calculate at subway.

4oz hf turkey sausage:  180cal, 14carb
1/3 can planters mixed nuts: 680cal, 24carbs  my snack killed me.  stupid munching during gaming.  i'd planned ahead, but i didn't plan well enough - this was not as good a snack as I hoped. :(

Dinner - BK
whopper jr, no bun: 200cal, 4 carbs
stuffed jalapeno burger, no bun: 360cal, 4carbs
I should have had *one* burger.  I was STARVING tho. waited too long to eat.  snack didn't help as much as i thought.  ugh.

Diet coke.
Americano w sf vanilla
sf carmel ital soda

Daily Total: 1860cal (ACK!), 66carbs.

OK, the carbs i'm not too upset with.  Considering that's roughly 2 days worth of calories, and I've got 2 days worth of carbs....yeah, it balanced out about right.

Stupid snack.

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Saturday, 1/22

Sharis Denver omelette: 580cal, 9carbs

Burger King whopper, no bun: 420cal, 7carbs

drip coffee w splenda.
american w/ sf english toffee toranis
diet coke

Daily Total: 1000cal, 16carbs

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Friday, 1/21


1 slice of ham: 90cal, 1 carb
1 egg: 100cal, 0carb
1 tbsp cheddar: 29cal, 0 carb
(I diced up the ham, scrambled w/ the egg, and topped w/ cheese)

1 can chicken: 210cal, 0 carb
1 can mushrooms:  60cal, 8carb
1tbsp sour cream: 23cal, 1 carb
1 tbsp cheddar: 29cal, 0 carb
cooked up the chicken and mushrooms w/ some cayenne pepper & creole seasoning.  then mixed in sour cream & cheddar.mmm

2 hot dogs (390cal, 6carb)

1 hot dog (180cal, 3carb)
1 tbsp cheddar (29cal, 0 carb)
1/2 tbsp mayo (45cal, 0carb)
1tsp ketchup (5cal, 1 carb)

Lemonade (Water & torani's SF lemon)
Americano w/ SF torani (choc & pineapple!)

Daily Total:
1190cal, 20carb

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Thursday, 1/20

Gigantic Scramble
3 eggs: 300cal, 0 carbs
1 slice ham (about 1/8th lb): 90cal, 1 carb
1/2 can green beans: 35cal, 7 carbs
1 can mushrooms: 60cal, 8 carbs
2tbsp shredded cheddar: 57cal, 0carb

Salad w/ 2/3 of the ham  & mushroom, then the rest of the ham  & mushroom in a scramble
2 C salad mix:10 cal, 4 carbs
1 can mushrooms: 60cal, 8carbs
1 slice ham: 90cal, 1 carb
2 tbsp cheese: 57cal, 0 carb
1 egg: 100cal, 0carb

2 TB Soft Tacos: 100cal, 3carbs each

americano, add sf syrup

Daily Total: 1059cal, 34carbs

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Wednesday, 1/19

1 piece godfathers all-meat combo, thin crust (270cal, 18 carbs)

1 piece godfathers all-meat combo, thin crust (270cal, 18 carbs)

McD swiss & mushroom wrap, no tortilla: 190cal, 5 carbs

Dinner: made manwich and served over green beans
1/2 can green beans: 35cal, 7carbs
1/8lb hamburger:175cal, 0 carb
1/8 can manwich: 35cal, 8carbs

water, decaf americano w/ SF toranis

Daily Total: 975cal, 56carbs

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Tuesday, 1/18

JitB Breakfast Jack, no bun, no cheese (it was stuck to the bread!): 85cal, 1carb

JitB Side salad (no croutons, dressing, tomatoes): 20cal, 4 carbs

Godfathers Side Salad (80cal, 4carbs) - this is an estimate.  The salad was a lot like Burgerville's so I'm using theirs.
2 slices Godfathers all-meat combo on thin crust (270cal, 18carbs) each

water, coffee

Daily Total
725cal, 45carbs

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Monday, 1/17

2 eggs, 3 bacon (350cal, 0 carbs)

1chicken breast (220carb, 0 cal), marinated in BWW parm garlic (60cal, 1 carbs)
1/2 can mushrooms (30cal, 4 carbs)

2 hot dogs (390cal, 6carb)

diet dr pepper

Daily Total: 1060cal, 11carbs

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Sunday, 1/16

Kfc. Grilled double down. (480cal, 4carbs)

6 Swedish Meatballs (210cal, 9 carbs)
3/4 slice ikea chocolate cake (173cal,  22carbs) <-- YUM.

leftover red robin chicken (152cal, 0 carbs)

diet soda
4 oz 1% milk (48cal, 4carbs)

Daily Total:
1063cal, 39carbs

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Saturday, 1/15

Weight: 246.2

Went up a bit this week.  What with being stuck being not-mobile and having several overages on dinners because i got busy doing stuff and not eating til too late, I'm not surprised.  I'm not too upset - I didn't go up much, and I get why.

Next week will be better.

Carls Jr 2 steak & egg burritos, sans tortilla, sans cheese
379cal, 1 carb each

Wendy's Jr Bacon Cheeseburger, sans bun:
230cal, 4 carb

Red Robin Ensanada Platter - only ate 1 chicken breast - saved other for later.  avoided tortilla bits on the salad.  used about 1/2 of the baja ranch, btwn salad & chicken - 405cal, 11 carbs

(btw, the other chicken breast is 152cal & 0 carbs, whenever I eat it)

MCD Grilled Classic Chicken Sandwich, no bun: 180cal, 5 carbs

water, americano w/ sf chocolate toranis, diet dr pepper

Daily Total:
1573cal, 22carbs

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Friday, 1/14

ham (1/8th lb-ish): 90cal, 1 carb
1 tbsp HF garden veggie spread: 45cal, 1 carb

MCD Filet-O-Fish: 210cal, 10 carbs


Applebees Sizzling Steak & Cheese, sub a loaded baked potato for the garlic mashed potatoes. - 1200cal, 44 carbs


diet dr pepper

Daily Total:
1545cal, 56 carbs

Yes, I'm over.  I know this.  I had lots of meat w/ my baked tater, so even tho carbs are high, i think I'm ok.  Calories are high.  Mainly cause I waited too long in the day, and then was too hungry to PLAN dinner.  I just ATE.

It was so good.  and I'm SO full. 

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Thursday, 1/13

deconstructed jalapeno poppers.
5 1/2 jalapenos - 22cal, 6carbs
3 slices bacon - 150cal, 0 carbs
2tbsp cream cheese - 90cal, 2 carbs

1 JITB Jumbo Jack, no bun - 289cal, 6 carbs
1 MCD chicken nugget - 40cal, 3 carbs

1 MCD Angus Deluxe, no bun - 520cal, 10 carbs

2 oz beef summer sausage (190cal, 0 carb)
1 tbsp HF garden veg spread (45cal, 1 carb)

diet dr pepper
americano, add SF vanilla

daily total:
1346cal, 28carbs

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Wednesday, 1/12

1/12th deLite bacon bacon bacon - 158cal, 11 carbs

1/8th lb ham - 90cal, 1carb
2 jalapenos - 8cal, 2 carbs
2tbsp cream cheese - 90cal, 2 carbs

snack: whopper jr, no bun - 200cal, 4 carbs

house celebration: 5.3oz frozen yogurt from yogurt munch
estimated again, cause yogurt munch is tiny enough they don't list nutritional data.
106cal, 23carbs

subway turkey blt salad. - 210cal, 11 carbs
This is being estimated, cause subway's a bitch about their nutritional data.  If you're going to make your menu THAT customizable, make your nutrition info too!  I basically took their turkey breast salad and added 2 pieces of bacon to it.  It's close enough


Daily Total: 862cal, 54carbs

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Tuesday, 1/11

Veggie Scramble, no cheese:200cal, 4carbs
1 strip bacon: 50cal, 0 carbs

other half of my mixed up stuff: 275cal, 15carbs

ate at papa murphys!
1/12th deLite bacon bacon bacon - 158cal, 11 carbs
had to figure this on the all meat, cause i couldn't find triple bacon anywhere
1/12th deLite pepperoni - 142cal, 11 carbs
1 club salad - 280cal, 12 carbs

diet coke
cheater hot cocoa (hot water, toranis SF chocolate, SF creme de menthe)

Daily Total: 1105cal, 53 carbs

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Monday, 1/10

veggie scramble (2 eggs, veggies, no cheese): 220cal, 4carbs
1 tbsp salsa: 4cal, 1 carb

I made it!: 275cal, 15carbs

6oz chicken breast: 165cal, 0 carbs (so hungry!)

burgerville hamburger, no bun: 180cal, 5 carbs
burgerville hamburger, no bun: 180cal, 5 carbs
burgerville side salad 80cal, 4carbs
yes, I ate two burgers.  They were very tasty, too!

Coffee, iced, w/ splenda (no creamer)

Daily Total: 1104cal, 34carbs

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I made lunch for tmw!
1 can chicken (300cal, 6 carbs)
1 can mushrooms (60cal, 8 carbs)
1 can green beans (70cal, 14carbs)
Total: 430cal, 28carbs

Then, I divide that in half.
215cal, 14 carbs
and I add a tbsp of the bww garlic parmesan (60cal, 1 carb)

275cal, 15carbs.

THAT is lunch. :)

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Sunday, 1/9

Shari's Western Scramble (726cal, 5carbs)
Side Salad, no ranch, croutons, or dressing (20cal, 2carbs)

2oz beef summer sausage (220cal, 0 carbs)
1tbsp HF garden vegetable spread (45cal, 1 carb)

1 chicken breast (220cal, 0 carb)
1 tbsp BWW parmesan garlic sauce (60cal, 1 carb)

hot tea w/ splenda

daily total: 1291cal, 9 carbs

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Saturday, 1/8

whopper jr, no bun: 200cal, 4 carbs
side salad, no dressing: 80cal, 7 carbs

Chopped Farmhouse Salad-Turkey & Ham, no dressing: 250cal, 10carbs

starbucks tall americano, add splenda & cinnamon

1 pork chop: 205cal, 0 carb
1 tbsp marinade: 15cal, 3 carb
1 TB soft taco supreme, no tortilla: 130cal, 6 carbs

Daily Total
880cal, 30carbs

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Friday, 1/7

2 eggs (200cal, 0 carbs)
1 tbsp salsa (4cal, 1 carb)

made a salad.(143cal, 19carbs)
2 C spinach (14cal, 2 carbs)
1 C mushroom (15cal, 2 carbs)
1/2 C bell pepper (20cal, 4 carbs)
1 tbsp carrot (3cal, 1carb)
1 tbsp corn (10cal, 2 carb)
1 tbsp peas (10cal, 2 carb)
1 tbsp onion (4cal, 1 carb)
3 tbsp salsa (12cal, 3 carb)
1/4 C cottage cheese (55cal, 2 carb)

sauteed mushrooms: 192cal, 18carbs
salad, no dressing: 212 cal, 16carbs (includes croutons and tomato, which i removed...dunno how that impacts)
12oz ribeye: 1038cal, 1carb
total: 1442cal, 35carbs

diet coke
coffee (6cal, 1 carb - splenda & 1 tbsp milk)

Daily Total: 1795cal, 56carbs

Tonight was a total treat dinner.  I'm high for the day.  *boggle*  I didn't think a ribeye, a salad, and mushrooms would be that high.  where the HELL did all those carbs in the salad and mushrooms come from?  *boggle*

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Thursday, 1/6

1/2 c cottage cheese. (110 Cal,4carb)
I mixed in some equal and cinnamon, cause i was craving sweet.  This is yummy!

egg salad (2 eggs, 1 tbsp mayo, squirt of mustard, cayenne) - 290cal, 0 carb
rest of ham/mushroom mix: 280cal, 12carb

Dominoes - 1/8th medium thin crust pizza.  pepperoni & mushroom (173cal, 14carbs)

cheater hot cocoa (6cal, 1 carb).  this is water, heated up.  I add in sf toranis (choc & creme de menthe) & 1 tbsp of fat-free milk.
coffee - 20oz americano, add 1 tbsp milk, and assorted toranis (6cal, 1 carb)
lemonade (12oz) - 22cal, 6carbs (this is Minute Maid Lite and is VERY yummy!)

daily total: 
887cal, 36carb

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WTF Happened?

Something went wrong last night, and I'm not sure what.

I ate my taco salad about 12:30.  Everything was fine.  I ate my burger and dog at about 6:30, then followed it up with a cup of coffee at the bowling alley around 7.

About 7:30 I got dizzy as all hell.  I almost fell down.  It felt JUST like a sugar spike.  I fixed my own coffee, so I KNOW it was splenda and creamer.  I was using a generic powdered creamer, without nutritional info.  I'm not sure if there was something in my burger/dog that added sugar or if there was something in the creamer, but I was definitely having a sugar issue.  Some friends sat with me, got me water, and it passed in about a half hour.

Scared the crap out of me tho.  I have no idea what triggered it.

This morning, I woke up exhausted and sick.  I SHOULD have had plenty of sleep, but my body didn't seem to know it.  I'm suspicious that it was the aftermath of a sugar crash (which will generally happen after a spike).   I was so tired I was crying while trying to get dressed, and felt like I was barely restraining a temper tantrum.  Then the dry heaves started every time I tried to move.  Mind you, I went to bed just a few minutes later than normal, and didn't have trouble sleeping.

I ended up calling in to work and going back to sleep around 5:30 (I get up around 4:45).  I slept til 10:30. I still don't feel quit rested, but the tantrum is gone.

...Wish I knew what caused it.  This scares me.

Addendum: the burger & hot dog seem fine.  Then I found this page. It shows that SOME powdered creamers can have up to 8g carbs.  I used two packages for my size cup and DOWNED it. So I potentially threw 16grams of carbs into my system, in liquid, easy-to-digest format in the course of under 30min.  I BROKE me!!! Note to self: Use my OWN coffee creamer when in doubt.  Mine only has 2carbs/packet. 

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Wednesday, 1/5

1/2 c cottage cheese. (110 Cal,4carb)

1/3 lb burger patty (350cal, 0 carb)
2tbsp HF garlic mozzerella spread (100cal, 2 carbs)
1/4 C cottage cheese (55cal, 2 carbs)

McD chicken wrap. Plain no tortilla. Should be abt 100Cal 0carb.

10 lil beef smokies (320cal, 4carbs)
2 tbsp HF garlic mozz spread (100cal, 2 carbs)

diet coke

Daily Total: 1035cal, 14carbs

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Tuesday, 1/4

2 strips bacon (100cal, 0 carbs)

2nd Breakfastes:
veggie omelette (470cal, 5carbs)

Taco Salad
lettuce (cup and a half?)
Chicken (about the equivalent of 1 can)
Beef (amount equal to chicken)
Onion - couple tbsp
Salsa (made by cafe, fresh.  not sure what all is in it.  def tomato, onion, some sort of hot pepper, cilantro) - couple tbsp
Sour cream - 2 tbsp
Chipotle Ranch dressing - 2 tbsp
Cheddar - 1/4 cup

It was delicious.  I'm certain I went over on my calories for the day, but it was yummy.

DQ value menu burger, no bun
DQ value menu hot dog, no bun

hot mint tea, add SF chocolate toranis
diet pepsi
diet dr pepper
coffee, usual (2 cups)

Daily Total: no clue

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Monday, 1/3

Breakfast: 2 strips bacon, 100cal, 0 carb

this did not turn out.  Notes: if you lettuce wrap ANYTHING, don't do it til you eat it.  Lettuce...disintegrates.  I tossed the leaf and ate the innards.
also, cucumber and cheese should not sit together overnight.  UGH.  tossed.
so my lunch plan turned into 241cal, 11carbs

Dinner (planned)
Panera Bread, pick 2
1/2 Chicken Cobb Salad, no dressing: 140cal, 5carbs
1/2 roast beef sandwich: 170cal, 7 carbs

coffee w/ splenda & coffeemate (20cal, 2 carb)
diet coke
hot tea, splenda

daily total: 671cal, 25 carbs

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made lunch for tmw

celery sticks (55cal, 3 carbs)
4 celery sticks, about 3inches long each (10cal, 2carb)
1 tbsp Hickory Farms Garden Veg Spread (45calk 1 carb)

cucumber sandwiches (237cal, 3 carbs)
about 1/4 cuke, sliced: (11cal, 3 carb)
cheddar (2 slices): (226cal, 0 carb)

lettuce wrap (186 cal, 8carbs)
1 leaf lettuce (1cal, 0 carb)
2 tbsp sour cream (45cal, 2 carb)
1/3 of: 1 pkg mushroom slices (20cal, 3carbs)
1/3 of: 1/2 lb ham (120cal, 3 carb)
i cooked up the ham (chopped) & mushroom, spread the sour cream on the lettuce leaf, filled it w/ the mushroom & ham  mixture (took 1/3 of the mix)

Total for tmw's lunch: 478cal, 14carbs

Big lunch, but it'll be so tasty.  and i've been eating smallish breakfasts lately, so it'll keep me full. :)

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Sunday, 1/2

sharis: Denver omellette (580cal, 9 carbs)
Side salad instead of hashbrowns and toast. this is listed @ 60cal, 12 carbs, but i skipped the croutons & tomato, which left lettuce, carrot, cucumber, and onion.  I'd estimate this at 20cal, 2carbs

6 jalapeno poppers (432cal, 9 carbs)

coffee w splenda and half n half. 1 container for 2 cups.(2 cups total).  looks like this is about 15 cal, 2 carbs
diet dr pepper

Daily Total
1047cal, 22 carbs:

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Saturday, 1/1

JITB Grilled chicken.(250cal, 5 carbs)

Dinner:  324c, 10 carbs

1 can chicken (3.5 x 60cal, 0 carb)
1 bell pepper (24 cal, 6 carbs)

4tbsp sour cream (90cal, 4carb)
3 cups coffee (splenda & coffeemate): 60cal, 6carbs

Daily Total: 634cal, 21carbs

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